Your Knowledge, Skills, Skills and Orientation are your Life.
This page is focused on showing you the importance of the education you have in identifying various methods that will enable you to be independent according to the education you have.
there are things to consider to determine your needs, which are;
1. What are your goals?
2. How many have goals like yours?
3. How many have succeeded with goals like yours?
4. What methods have they used to achieve goals like yours?
5. Where are you stuck in achieving your goals?
6. What have you discovered after asking yourself these questions?
7. How do you fail to implement if you have been able to ask yourself this?
Give yourself just one day, then do the following;
.ask yourself do you have any knowledge? how do you use them? Are you self-employed? and do you have any opportunity based on that knowledge? do you have resources for that knowledge? should you hire yourself with that knowledge? do you have that ability or do you need external power? who should give you strength? follow him and tell him about your knowledge.
. ask yourself do you have any skills? how do you use it? should I hire you or do you see any opportunity based on those skills? Do you see resources for your skills? Are you self-employed or do you need external power? who should give you strength? follow him and tell him about the skills you have.
. ask yourself do you have any skills? how do you use it? Is it worth taking a risk with your skills? Any chance? Do you see resources that match your skills? Are you self-employed or do you need outside power? who should give you strength? follow him and tell him about the skills you have.
. ask yourself do you have good or bad behavior?
if it is good; What things make you look good? Is it worth developing them? Ask yourself the big benefit and what about all people (Society) or just yourself? choose the benefits of society and then develop you will be a patriot.
if it is bad; what things make you look bad? should they change? who is the profit or loss for the society or your soul? change your behavior to become a patriot.
Patriotism is believing in what is yours and that it will benefit you if you love it, take care of it, appreciate it, develop it and maintain it for your benefit and the people around you.
if you can contemplate all that, do the following;
1. think carefully (good plans)
2. create a better idea to generate income from your plans
3. test your idea if it works
4. put into practice (engage)
5. increase effort (do it again)
6. work harder without getting tired (do it over and over again)
7. keep working harder and harder (work harder)
success comes in that fashion
IDEA: Learn from different people, education is not only in the classroom.
.jiulize una maarifa yoyote yale? unayatumiaje? yanafaakujiajiri? na unafursa yoyote kulingana na maarifa hayo? unarasilimali za maarifa hayo? inafaakujiajiri na maarifa hayo? unauwezo huo au unahitaji nguvu kutoka nje? nani anafaa kukupa nguvu? mfuate mweleze kuhusu maarifa yako.
. jiulize una ujuzi wowote? unautumiaje? uafaakukuajiri au unaona fursa yoyote kulingana na ujuzi huo? unaona rasilimali za ujuzi wako? unauwezo wa kujiajiri au unahitaji nguvu kutoka nje? nani anafaa kukupa nguvu? mfuate mweleze kuhusu ujuzi ulionao.
. jiulize una stadi yoyote? unaitumiaje? inafaakujiari na stadi yako? Inafursa yoyote? unaziona rasilimali zinazoendana na stadi yako? je, unauwezo wa kujiajiri au unahitaji nguvu kutoka nje? nani anafaa kukupa nguvu? mfuate mweleze kuhusu stadi uliyonayo.
. jiulize una mwenendo nzuri au mbaya?
kama ni nzuri; vitu gani vinafanya uonekane nzuri? inafaa kuviendeleza? jiulize faida kubwa na yanani watu wote (Jamii) au nafsi yako tu? chagua manufaa ya jamii kisha endeleza utakuwa mzalendo.
kama ni mbaya; vitu gani vinafanya uonekane mbaya? vinafaa kubadili? faida au hasara iko kwa nani jamii au nafsi yako? badili mwenendo ili uwe mzalendo.
uzalendo ni kuamini kilicho chako na kuwa kitakunufaisha ukakipenda, kikutunza, kukithamini, kukiendeleza na kukidumisha kwa manufaa yako na watu wanaokuzunguka.
1. tafakari vizuri (mipango mizuri)
2. unda wazo bora la kukuingizia kipato kutoka katika mipangoyako
3. jaribisha wazo lako kama linafaa
4. ingiza katika utendaji (shughulika)
5. ongeza bidii (fanya tena)
6. ongeza bidii zaidi bila kuchoka (fanya tena na tena)
7. endelea kufanya kwa bidii na bidii (shughulika zaidi)
mafanikio huja kwa mtindo huo